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About us: 

​Bringing people together who are interested in the history of Obetz.  Obetz Junction was founded in 1928, we then became The Village of Obetz , and now a city as of 2020.  We are home to the Obetz ZucchiniFest, Fortress Obetz, Area 51 golf course, Lancaster park, multiple small businesses, and much more.
To learn more about Obetz history and get involved, you can attend our meetings every 3rd Wednesday of every other month at the Obetz Community Center, starting at 6:30pm.
Abstract Surface


To preserve the history of Obetz Junction, Ohio.


Laying a walkway in Lancaster Park. 

Being a part of the old and new Obetz

Collecting memorabilia, such as artifacts, photographs, & articles.

Publish an Obetz History book to be completed.

Preparations for Founders Day in 2028.

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